Maya shortcut key

2D Pan/Zoom

\ + Middle mouse button2D Pan tool
\ + Right mouse button2D Zoom tool
\Enable/disable 2D Pan/Zoom

Animation Operations

IInsert Keys Tool (for Graph Editor) (press and release)
SSet Key
Shift + ESet key for Rotate
Shift + RSet key for Scale
Shift + WSet key for Translate
Alt + JToggle Multicolor Feedback
Shift + SWith left mouse button for Keyframe marking menu

Display Settings

0Default quality display setting
1Rough quality display setting
2Medium quality display setting
3Smooth quality display setting
5Shaded display
6Shaded and Textured display
7Use All Lights

Displaying Objects (Show, Hide)

Ctrl + HHide > Hide Selection
Alt + HHide > Hide Unselected Objects
Shift + lIsolate Select > View Selected (in the panel menus)
Ctrl + Shift + HShow > Show Last Hidden
Shift + HShow > Show Selection

Edit Operations

Ctrl (or Cmd) + CCopy
Ctrl (or Cmd) + XCut
Ctrl + DDuplicate
Ctrl + Shift + DDuplicate Special
Shift + DDuplicate with Transform
Ctrl + GGroup
Ctrl (or Cmd) + VPaste
Shift + ZRedo
Shift + GRepeat command at mouse position
ZUndo (also Ctrl+z/+z)
Shift + PUnparent
Ctrl + RCreate file reference
Ctrl + QExit
Ctrl + NNew Scene
Ctrl + OOpen Scene
Ctrl + SSave Scene
Ctrl + Shift + SSave Scene As

Hotbox Display

Space(When pressed down) Show the hotbox

Modeling Operations

2Cage + smooth polygon mesh display
Ctrl + F10Convert polygon selection to Edges
Ctrl + F9Convert polygon selection to Vertices
Ctrl + F11Covert polygon selection to Faces
Ctrl + F12Covert polygon selection to UVs
Page DownDecreases Division Levels for Smooth Mesh Preview or Subdiv Proxy
1Default polygon mesh display (no smoothing)
~Displays both the original (proxy) and the smoothed mesh
Page UpIncreases Division Levels for Smooth Mesh Preview or Subdiv Proxy
lLock/unlock length of curve (press and hold)
3Smooth polygon mesh display

Moving Selected Objects

Alt + DownMove down one pixel
Alt + LeftMove left one pixel
Alt + RightMove right one pixel
Alt + UpMove up one pixel

Painting Operations

Ctrl + BEdit Paint Effects template brush settings
Alt + FFlood with the current value
Shift + BModify lower brush radius (press and release)
MModify maximum displacement (Sculpt Surfaces and Sculpt Polygons Tool)
NModify paint value
BModify upper brush radius (press and release)
O + Left mouse buttonPoly Brush Tool marking menu
O + Middle mouse buttonPoly UV Tool marking menu
/Switch to pick color mode (press and release)
Alt + RToggle Reflection on or off
Alt + CTurn Color Feedback on or off
Alt + ATurn Show Wireframe on or off
UWith left mouse button for Artisan Paint Operation marking menu

Pick Walk*

*Based on selection, the arrow keys let you walk up the hierarchy (object selected) or walk about the object’s components (component selected, including vertices, edge loops, edge rings).
DownWalk down current
LeftWalk left in current
RightWalk right in current
UpWalk up current

Playback Control

Alt+Shift + VGo to Min Frame
.Go to Next key
,Go to Previous key
Alt + ,Move backward one frame in time
Alt + .Move forward one frame in time
Alt + VTurn Playback on or off
K + Middle mouse buttonVirtual Time Slider mode (press and hold and scrub timeline)


Ctrl + LeftRender view next image
Ctrl + RightRender view previous image

Selecting Menus

F2Show Animation menu set
F5Show Dynamics menu set
F4Show Modeling menu set
F3Show Polygons menu set
F6Show Rendering menu set
Ctrl + MShow/hide main menu bar
Shift + MShow/hide panel menu bar
Ctrl + Shift + MShow/hide panel toolbar

Selecting Objects and Components

>Grow polygon selection region
F8Object/Component (Switch between object and component editing)
Ctrl + ISelect next intermediate object
<Shrink polygon selection region
Alt + F9Vertex Face

Snapping Operations

Shift + JMove, Rotate, Scale Tool relative snapping (press and release)
JMove, Rotate, Scale Tool snapping (press and release)
CSnap to curves (press and release)
XSnap to grids (press and release)
VSnap to points (press and release)

Tool Operations

ReturnComplete current tool
-Decrease manipulator size
InsertEnter tool Edit mode
=, +Increase manipulator size
WMove Tool, or with left mouse button for Move Tool marking menu
JMove, Rotate, Scale Tool Snapping (press and release)
ERotate Tool, or with left mouse button for Rotate Tool marking menu
RScale Tool, or with left mouse button for Scale Tool marking menu
Shift + QSelect Tool, or with left mouse button for Component marking menu
Alt + QSelect Tool, or with left mouse button for Polygon marking menu
QSelect Tool, or with left mouse button for Selection Mask marking menu
YSelects the last used tool that is not one of Select, Move, Rotate, or Scale
TShow manipulator tool
Ctrl + TShow universal manipulator tool
InsertSwitches between move pivot and move object (Move Tool)
DWith left mouse button move pivot (Move Tool)

Tumble, Track or Dolly

Alt + Right mouse buttonDolly Tool (press and release)
Alt + Middle mouse buttonTrack Tool (press and release)
Alt + Left mouse buttonTumble Tool (press and release)

Window and View Operations

Space(When tapped) Switch between the active window in multi-pane display and single pane display
Alt + Ctrl + Middle mouse buttonFast pan in the Outliner
AFrame All in active panel, or with left mouse button for History Operations marking menu
Shift + AFrame All in all views
FFrame Selected in active panel
Shift + FFrame Selected in all views
F1Maya Help
Alt + Middle mouse buttonPan in the Attribute Editor
Alt + Middle mouse buttonPan in the Outliner
]Redo view change
Alt + BSwitch between a gradient, black, dark gray, or light gray background color
Ctrl + SpaceSwitch between the standard view and full-screen view of the current panels
Ctrl + ASwitches between Attribute Editor or Channel Box–displays the Attribute Editor if neither is shown
[Undo view change
Shift + }View next layout
Shift + {View previous layout

Pane specific commands

The following commands change based on specific editor pane you are actively using.

Graph Editor

1Absolute View
AFrame All
TFrame Center View
GFrame Playback Range
FFrame Selected
HLock Channel
3Normalized View
2Stacked View
DTangents Auto
MToggle Curve Selection
JUnlock Channel

HyperGraph Panel

Alt + TDecrease Depth
Alt + GIncrease Depth


>Graph Downstream
Ctrl + .Graph Remove Downstream
Ctrl + LGraph Remove Selected
Ctrl + /Graph Remove Unselected
Ctrl + ,Graph Remove Upstream
?Graph Up Downstream
<Graph Upstream
1Hypdershade Hide Attributes
Down ArrowPick Walk Down
Left ArrowPick Walk Left
Right ArrowPick Walk Right
Up ArrowPick Walk Up
PPin Selected
#Remove Material Soloing
/Select Connected
.Select Down Stream
,Select Up Stream
3Show All Attrs
2Show Connected Attrs
4Show Custom Attrs
!Solo Last Output
@Solo Material
5Toggle Node Title Mode
=Toggle Zoom In
-Toggle Zoom Out

Node Editor

Up ArrowBack to Parent
EnterDive Into Compound
>Graph Downstream
Ctrl + .Graph Remove Downstream
Ctrl + LGraph Remove Selected
Ctrl + ,Graph Remove Upsream
?Graph Up Downstream
<Graph Upstream
XGrid Toggle Snap
1Hide Attributes
Down ArrowPick Walk Down
Left ArrowPick Walk Left
Right ArrowPick Walk Right
Up ArrowPick Walk Up
Ctrl + /Remove Unselected
/Select Connected
.Select Down Stream
3Show All Attrs
2Show Connected Attrs
4Show Custom Attrs
SToggle Attr Filter
PToggle Node Selected Pins
VToggle Node Swatch Size
5Toggle Node Title Mode
CToggle Synced Selection
=Toggle Zoom In
-Toggle Zoom Out
,Up Stream


EnterRename Selected Item
FReveal Selected

Pose Editor

Ctrl + GPose Interpolator New Group


1Category View
2CPU View
3Thread View
Ctrl + RToggle Recording

Shape Editor

Ctrl + DDuplicate Target
Ctrl + GNew Group
Alt + DSelect None

Time Editor

LAdditive Layer
YClip Hold Toggle
TClip Loop Toggle
WClip Razor
Shift + HClip Scale End
Shift + GClip Scale Start
RClip Scale Toggle
HClip Trim End
GClip Trim Start
EClip Trim Toggle
Shift + ICreate Audio Clip
OCreate Clip
Ctrl + GCreate Group From Selection
Shift + LCreate Override Layer
PCreate Pose Clip
Ctrl + XCut Clips
Ctrl + Shift + GExplode Group
Ctrl + EExport Selection
AFrame All
FFrame Selected
BGhost Track Toggle
IImport Animation
URipple Edit Toggle Press
URipple Edit Toggle Release
QScene Authoring Toggle
SSet Key
DSet Zero Key
MToggle Mute Selected Tracks
XToggle Snap to Clip Press
XToggle Snap to Clip Release
NToggle Solo Selected Tracks
KToggle Time Cursor Press
KToggle Time Cursor Release
